Expository Preaching
Instructor: Jeff Jenkins
In this course, the student will learn the meaning of a text or passage, and present it in lesson form. The goal is to preach what the Bible means, by what it says. The Biblical Exposition is not just designed for preachers, but can be beneficial to all students of the Bible.
Habanero Ministry
Instructor: Ronnie Moore
In this course, the student will focus on learning how to make contacts in the community. They will learn how to develop those contacts into Bible studies. The students will also learn how to involve all in the congregation in building contacts into studies.
New Converts Follow-Up
Instructor: TBD
In this course, the student will learn methods to teach new converts the fundamentals of the new Christian life, studying the Bible, singing, Lord’s Supper, praying and other fundamentals. It is sad to note that many of our new Christians are left untaught after their conversion. This causes many to leave the church.
Instructor: Ronnie Moore
In this course, the student will learn the biblical foundations of the Lord’s church. In this study, the student will see that Christ is the founder of the church, and that His church stands alone in all matters of religion.