Chris has been preaching, teaching and singing for the
Lord since he was six years old. The son of a singing
preacher (Harry Graham), he had Dad waving his arm for
him in front of the church with all the other young men in
the mission field church of Christ in Leadville, Colorado
while in the first grade. Chris filled in preaching for
churches of Christ in Las Animas, Kim and Fowler
Colorado while in high school. He graduated from the
Bear Valley School of Biblical Studies in Denver in 1982
and spent the next sixteen years preaching for churches
of Christ in New Mexico, California and Texas. He has
conducted gospel meetings in those states and
participated in campaigns for Christ in six states and
Ukraine, directing two of those campaigns. In 2003, he
earned his master’s degree from Texas A&M-Commerce.
His master’s project was “Churches of Christ and Slavery.”
After twenty years teaching history, he has returned to full
time evangelism as the director of the West Freeway
School of Evangelism and he serves as the outreach
minister for the West Freeway church of Christ in Fort
Worth, Texas.