Born in 1951 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Now lives in Edmond, Oklahoma.
Family: Married to Jackie Dodgen in 1974, and parent of four daughters: Christa, Chara
and Tara, and Laura; twelve grandchildren.
Oklahoma Christian College, 1974, BA. Bible and Biblical Languages
Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1983. M. A. R. in Christian Doctrine
Theological University of America, 1998. Ph.D. in Biblical Studies.
Speaker for “In Search of the Lord’s Way,” a nationally broadcasted television ministry of
Edmond Church of Christ since 2009.
Involved in active ministry for more than 50 years.
Adjunct Professor for Georgia School of Preaching, Marietta, Georgia.
Taught in Asian Christian University, Philippines and Seoul Bible Institute in Seoul, South
Served as Instructor, Nashville School of Preaching and Biblical Studies for eleven years.
Served as Instructor, Amridge University for six years.
National Board of Directors member of Lads to Leaders.
Author of several books and frequent speaker at lectureships, gospel meetings and
Articles in Gospel Advocate and Spiritual Sword.
Author of A New Life, 2015. A Faith Built on Sand, 2011. Adrift: Postmodernism in the
Church, 2000. Let All the Earth Keep Silence, 2006. Evangelism Handbook of New
Christianity, 2009 and 2017. Sower: Evangelism Training for Everyone, 2020.
Several books are online.
In Search of the Lord’s Way
PO Box 371, Edmond, OK 73083
405-348-3242 office 405-471-9579 cell
14921 Salem Creek Rd. Edmond, OK 73013